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Writer's pictureKatharina Krus

From sales partner to colleague - An interview with Reiner Stumpf []

The sales partner [] on the cooperation with the manufacturer REINER SCT

Overview, clarity and partnership in lead management -

We interviewed Reiner Stumpf, ERP Senior Consultant and Project Manager for merchandise management and time recording at [] GmbH & Co. KG, in an interview and would like to report on his experience with leadtributor.

"It would be a huge relief for us sales partners

if all our manufacturer partners were to use leadtributor."

– Reiner Stumpf from [] GmbH & Co. KG

Leadtributor: Mr Stumpf, can you briefly describe [] GmbH & Co. KG briefly?

ERP Senior Consultant und Projektmanager für Warenwirtschaft und Zeiterfassung
ERP Senior Consultant and Project Manager for merchandise management and time recording


With pleasure. The [] GmbH & Co. KG has been a specialist and provider of integrated and complex IT solutions since 1992. As an IT system house with a regional focus in Upper Franconia and Bamberg, we ensure a functioning IT system that effectively supports the business goals and processes of our customers. IT solutions and IT security with sub-areas such as IT hardware and software, cloud computing, managed services or communication solutions through to monitoring are the focus of our IT services.

With [], our customers get IT - in a cordial, competent and fair manner. We work as a sales partner with many major international manufacturers such as SAGE, VMware, Sophos and REINER SCT. We are the link between a manufacturer and an end customer and bring them together with our expertise and consulting skills. That is our mission.


That sounds exciting, but also challenging when you are a sales partner of different manufacturers. How does this manifest itself in your day-to-day business?


We work for a large number of manufacturers who operate their lead management very differently. Sometimes you get leads by phone, sometimes by email, sometimes by calling or passing on business cards. These different lead sources and the associated different processes lead to a lot of small stand-alone systems. Of course, we have an internal ticket system that we can use to organise ourselves, but as the sources and processes are so different, it's very difficult to keep an overview, and I don't even want to talk about reporting. These isolated systems are particularly problematic when an employee goes on holiday or falls ill. The consequence? In the worst case scenario, the lead is left lying around. And as we all know, that's poison for business.

Leadtributor: The manufacturer REINER SCT, our joint customer, was facing similar challenges. They wanted to move away from manual lead management and towards digitalisation and all the associated benefits in terms of transparency and efficiency. What was it like for you when REINER SCT decided to introduce lead management software?


We were very sceptical at first. We were supposed to make our processes transparent for the manufacturer and were forced, so to speak, to constantly communicate updates. That sounded like paternalism. Nevertheless, we went along with it because we maintain a partnership-based relationship with our manufacturer customers and had nothing to lose - after all, we already had our difficulties with the current processes at the time. And once we got involved, we quickly realised that we had a lot of advantages with the lead processing software

Leadtributor: In your opinion, what are the advantages?

Stumpf: Matching

By using leadtributor, we only receive perfectly matching customer enquiries based on our product portfolio and expertise. Accidentally sending out a lead that doesn't match us is now a thing of the past.

The status updates are not only valuable for the manufacturer, but also for us. We can now see which lead is in which status, which steps are due next and which lead may be overdue. This saves us a lot of time internally and allows us to serve the end customer even faster, which has a positive effect on our sales, as it is often the first supplier who is awarded the contract. So it's a win-win-win situation for the end customer, [] and REINER SCT. Reporting

We also know where we stand. We have real-time data on the number of leads and the lead status and can therefore draw conclusions about our sales pipeline. Easy to use

Another advantage is the user-friendly operation of the tool. It is intuitive, easy to understand and can be used on both PCs and mobile phones. This is particularly important for employees who are often on the move.

Our summary after 5 years of successful lead management for REINER SCT: "We would like more manufacturer customers to use lead management software like leadtributor. It's simple, saves time and turns us sales partners into colleagues." Reiner Stumpf, [ ] GmbH & Co. KG


What's more, our collaboration with REINER SCT has become even more of a partnership since the introduction of the leadtributor. The leadtributor clearly shows us that we are pulling in the same direction. We receive pre-qualified leads from the manufacturer and provide them with information in return, which in turn helps the manufacturer to readjust marketing campaigns. This in turn leads to better leads, which ultimately benefits not only the manufacturer but also the partner. Shared success is an incredibly strong motivator - and as we all know, it makes you hungry.

Leadtributor: Mr Stumpf, thank you very much for your frank words! And if you want to know more about [ ], here is the website.


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