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Writer's pictureKatharina Krus

Sales Trends – Bright New World in Marketing and Sales

Latest sales trends 2021/22

What's coming, what's going? You know how it is: trends in sales that were proclaimed five years ago haven't always caught on. Remember when it was predicted that everyone would soon be wearing glasses connected to the Internet? Or that artificial intelligence would take over leadership roles? Virtual reality is still a niche technology, too.

That doesn't mean that these technologies won't eventually become established. But progress does not happen in a linear fashion. For 2021/22, we've tried to filter out real trends in sales and marketing from the babble of voices on the Internet. Here you are:

1. Marketing and sales become one

The boundary between marketing and sales is increasingly disappearing. The old interface is softening. Instead, a single, fluid, end-to-end process is emerging. This is made possible by digital technologies and interfaces between CRM, marketing automation applications and sales software.

At the same time, data scientists and managers can access the same data flows to make sales forecasts. Or to drive new product developments. All of this is done through Digital Experience Platforms. In the process, the data flows in companies will be traceable in real time.

Auf dieselben Datenflüsse können gleichzeitig auch Data Scientists und Manager zurückgreifen, um Absatz-Forecasts anzustellen. Oder neue Produktentwicklungen voranzutreiben. Das alles geschieht durch Digitale Experience Plattformen. Dabei werden die Datenströme in Unternehmen in Echtzeit verfolgbar sein.

2. Mobile is the trump card

Customer care goes mobile. Whether companies operate a complex CRM system or have smaller, more agile sales software in place, it's increasingly true:

Customer inquiries are answered on the move - and in real time.

Even in the ramified indirect sales. Increasingly, sales staff will be able to access the same data as marketers and customer service staff. This is the only way to avoid duplicate inquiries and serve customers holistically. Apps are an important player here. But increasingly also the hybrid form Progressive Web Apps. The advantage of PWAs is that they are found by search engines.

3. AI in sales: AI and Machine Learning supports marketing & sales

What good is the best CRM system if you end up drowning in a flood of data?

 Machine learning solutions will begin to make their mark in marketing and sales in 2019.

Das bedeutet konkret: Dank Machine-Learning-Software wird die Mustererkennung leichter sein:

What inquiries do customers make?

Why do prospective customers decide against or in favor of a product?

Which features - e.g. when buying a car - are particularly requested?

From company data, statistics can be derived that are more precise than any survey. For better marketing strategies - and sales arguments.

4. Chatbots improve the customer journey

Digital voice assistants are becoming increasingly sophisticated and intelligent. They take over the task of first contact on the website in sales and marketing.

The global chatbot market could grow to a volume of up to USD 1.25 billion by 2025, according to a study by Grand View Research. Already 45 percent of end users prefer a chatbot as their primary communication channel.

5. Personalized websites
Individualization and personalization: The trend has been clear for years. And it will continue.

The expectations of users in the digital world are shaped by digital pioneers. Google and Amazon, for example.Thanks to AI-supported programs, personalization is easier to implement than ever before: With little technical know-how, personalized websites - and ads! - that allow for target group-optimized user experiences. Always in the sense of improved user experience - and targeted customer approach.

6. The customer stays king!

In 2021/22, it will still be the customer who sets the pace. Regardless of all sales trends, this will probably always be the case.

A study by Bain & Company recently proved how decisive customer management is for sales success. One important task will be to dovetail individual sales channels with each other: online and offline. And detailed, real-time tracking of the customer journey. Far beyond the conclusion of the contract.

This is especially true for very complex, expensive products that are preceded by a long decision-making process. This is because, unlike with impulse purchases, the following applies here:

AI in sales helps you to accompany and "manage" a customer properly. For many years to come.


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